Start With "The Talk"
This online class will teach you and your daughter how to better understand the years of puberty, changing friendships, the impact of social media, moods, "freak-outs" and many other the pre-teen minefields.
This class is presented in a warm and compassionate way that celebrates this time in your daughter's life as the rite of passage that it is.
Ask most parents what they fear most about puberty and you'll hear "The Talk."
Well, this class prepares you to begin the talk about most everything except sex. It addresses talking to girls abut their periods which can be just as hard as talking about sex.
Before you get to talking to your child about sex, it is my belief that they should first understand what happens to their mind, body, brain, friendships and moods first.
Having this information helps having the actual sex talk go a lot easier later on down the road.
Yes, that dreaded conversation we all have to live through and then give to our own children one day will come.
But before then, take the time to understand:
- why a girl gets her period
- why she is so moody
- why friendships often change
Today, the world is different from when you grew up.
With much greater pressures, technology, and significant ramifications for poor decisions, having a professional guide you through "The Talk" is more important than ever.
It seems children are growing up faster than ever.
The average age a girl gets her period is 12 and girls as young as 8 can get their period.
The unlimited stream of information (often misinformation), peer pressure, and societal pressure push our children into dealing with these sensitive issues sooner than later.
Are you prepared?
Do you know how to navigate the world of pre-teen and tween lives while their bodies transform into young women and their hormones rage?
This can be an incredibly challenging time for both daughters and parents alike.
"4 sisters and no brothers and the hormone surges made our home like a bunch of fighting hens in a chicken coop"
Yes, the technology is changing. Teens today are dealing with totally different risks than even ten years ago. But the lack of education stays the same decade after decade!
"Mean girls, drama, and bullying almost seem like a normal part of being a girl today"
Now, imagine having an experienced professional psychotherapist (and mom) sit down with you and your daughter and help guide you through all the facts and give you the tools to communicate with less fighting, tears, and confusion.
"Whatever the issue is, your daughter is upset, and you’re trying to console her when she screams “You don’t understand!”
How does an experienced mental health professional talk with her own daughter and patients?
Hi, I am Dr. Sheryl Gonzalez Ziegler, affectionately known as Dr. Z by my clients.
I hold a Doctorate of Psychology and I am a Registered Play Therapist, Author of Mommy Burnout™, TEDx Speaker, Host of Dr. Sheryl's PodCouch, National Media Contributor and Entrepreneur.

I run a private practice in Denver, Colorado where I specialize in treating tweens and teens. I am also a Girls on the Run coach and Girl Scout Troop Leader. I sit on three non-profit boards that benefit children and families.
Personally, I am a mother to a pre-teen girl and 2 young boys. I know first hand how scary and nerve wracking these talks (sometimes fights) can be.
I've worked with thousands of families over 20+years and have heard just about every story you can imagine.
I have taught this class, Start with the Talk, since 2013 to hundreds of girls and their parents, and I've had the great privilege to be a part of a growing community of families doing their best to raise their daughters.
I get sweet letters years later about young girls transformed into more confident, strong, empowered young women.
And I would like to help your family now, too.
It all started with my friend Kim who came back from a year in San Francisco and told me about a mother-daughter class that she took there.
Once she started telling me about what they learned about I thought to myself, this is what I am talking about with middle school girls every week!
In my sessions, it felt like such private conversations, often filled with questions about their periods, arguments with parents, feeling moody, crying for no reason and friendships issues.
Kim's experience sparked an idea for me to formally create a class that would be based upon what the girls are privately talking with me about. I figured out that girls want to learn about about the physical, emotional and social issues that happen between about 4th-8th grade.
I am grateful that the class has been a huge success! I have collected years of feedback and questions and now I am ready to share this class with even more girls and their parents, in the comfort of your own home.
Featured In:

"Thanks again for your awesome talk earlier this month. I thought it was incredible and Annie and I have had so many special moments and talks in just the last several weeks. I am forever grateful for you!"
// Angela F., mother of 2 girls
A course created specifically for parents and daughters
Start with the Talk was created entirely to teach you the facts, to inspire honest conversation, and to help you build a foundation from which your daughter will grow confidently into a teenager and young woman.
Through this online course I will guide you through:
- What physical changes to expect, what is normal, and how to best manage the growth in your body
- How to best care for your changing body. Best practices for female hygiene and how to feel your best
- Why the emotional storms seem so strong and how to navigate through them without all the drama
- The tough choices that sometimes comes with all the social changes puberty brings. Friends, family, social media, siblings... I will help you with specific techniques you can implement immediately
- Sensitive and common questions I have heard throughout the years in teaching this course
- Special bonus questions and answers straight from the girls and parents that I have taught throughout the years.
Once you join our course community you will get:
- 7 individual lessons covering each of the most important topics in "The Talk"
- A bonus Question and Answer lesson with some of the most frequently asked questions I get
- The chance to ask your questions, privately or in the community and my team and I will answer them
- Live Q&A with Dr. Ziegler in the private membership group
- To connect to an extended community of parents committed to raising healthy, confident, happy girls. You will also grow as a parent through discussion, community, support, and guidance from other parents around the world
- Continuous access. You can return to the lessons throughout your daughter's growing years and receive the latest information and support
- Access on mobile, tablet, and desktop
You will be the source of information, not friends or the internet
There are some frightening things on the internet and kids are searching for answers to their questions online. Did you know that age 11 is the average age to first be exposed to porn?
Other topics kids are searching for are things like wet dreams, masturbation, dating, and other topics that they typically wouldn't dare ask a parent about!

"You hit all the topics that I hoped you would for their age group. This was so good, you need to do a boys class!"
// Cindy K, mom of 1 daughter
You're not alone
Pricing details:
Your investment in getting the latest mental health guidance from an experienced Licensed Psychotherapist, Doctor of Psychology and Registered Play Therapist, plus hundreds of peer parents, and a continuous support network is only $149.00
Have "The Talk" without eye rolls, embarrassment, and misinformation
Please join me
This class will help you and your daughter through this wonderful and challenging, time in your lives. You'll get the facts and know what to expect in puberty, without the fear and frustration that most parents struggle with.
Enrolling Now
It takes less than a minute to sign up
Dr. Ziegler will gently guide you and your daughter through issues related to the social, emotional and physical changes that happen during puberty. She help you open the door of communication and establish a healthy start to the rest of her life starting around age 8.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee. I have put together these lessons using all of my experience, the latest research, and with my love of this age group of girls. You and your daughter will have a way to talk about tough topics, communicate more effectively, and have a clearer understanding of what happens during puberty or I will return every penny of your investment.

This was a great class.
"I will recommend to other moms for sure. I’ve never shied away from talks with my daughters but I think it really help her to know she’s not alone. It was great for her to be in a class with other girls who are feeling and experiencing the same 'unknowns' she is. She often expresses that she is not ready for the changes she is going through and I think this helped her relax."
// Katie M, mom of an amazing young lady
Maybe not a good time?
The world this year has been anything but normal. For too many of us, that means that our lives have been turned upside down. I understand how difficult this year has been.
I also know that your daughter will only go through this experience once in her life. She will have only one chance to experience this confusing time of life as beauty and wonder. I have had countless moms say to me, no one ever talked to me about this stuff, I wish I could have taken a class like this when I was their age.
You cannot get this time back. This chance to give her a healthy foundation for the rest of her life is probably happening now if you are reading this.
If taking this course right now is not possible for you, that is okay, you can always return and join later.
In the meantime, here are some of the free resources I'm delighted to recommend for you now:
I have written extensively in my blog about raising healthy kids, parenting issues, tweens and teens.
You can also subscribe and listen to my podcast where I have mental health conversations with transparentcy.
If you prefer to watch I have a YouTube Channel you may subscribe to.
I'm here for you. If you have specific questions regarding these lessons or anything around "The Talk" please write to me at
I would love to hear form you!